Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Direction? Who needs direction?! Thank you for those who commented on one of my recent posts about what direction to take this blog. I had it in my head that I needed a "main idea." However, after your comments and a great conversation with my mom, I'm not going to muzzle myself. The best advice was from my mom. "Just do you."
I don't find myself to be real interesting. My life is not glamorous. However, I think that is how I will relate to most people! I think most people are probably normal people just like me...I like to think so anyway.
 A typical day for me is includes anything and everything that my kids need...I'm up early and off to the gym, breakfast and get everyone ready for the day,  dropping off to preschool then picking up, lunch time, nap time, dinner time, swimming lessons, basketball camp, bath time and kids' bed time. Now I do homework, sneak a few chocolate chips, watch Kim and Kourtney Take New York something educational and informational...like American Idol :)
This is a picture of me and my favorites...minus the husband. This pretty much sums us up. This particular day, my son tripped over his own feet out front of Fred Meyer and scraped his nose. It really was no big deal...he didn't even know his nose hit the ground until I told him but he insisted on wearing the band aide for days. The laundry you see behind us is on the back of the couch. It probably sat there for at least three hours before it made its way into their respective bedrooms...and three hours would be on a good day.

Although I'm lucky if I get a shower before noon, still trying to lose the "baby weight", cry when I watch the Lion King, get the tune of Yo Gabba Gabba stuck in my head, and consider a day with no time outs a 'good day,' I know that this is exactly where I should be at in my life.  I love it, wouldn't change it. But I'm also very excited to have this outlet where I can bring out my inner nerd and start blogging about big kid stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Mommy blogs are really popular because we like to know we are not alone in this world when we want to hide in the closet alone with our Kindle and a glass of wine :) I have a two year old and find comfort in the thoughts of other moms. Keep up the theme, I like it!
